Elberon Memorial Church
70 Park Avenue Elberon, New Jersey
Our History
Erected 1885 Dedicated June 14, 1886 in Loving Memory of MOSES B. TAYLOR by his wife, Catherine A. Taylor.
The Moses Taylor Memorial Presbyterian Church
Now known as the
Elberon Memorial Church
Is blended tastefully with Gothic architecture of the building, designed by the eminent New York architect, Stanford White,
who was a friend of Louis Tiffany, the stained glass windows have been described by experts as the finest 14th-century style stained glass in the country. each window is a memorial presented by a child of Moses Taylor. Because the manufacture of blue glass of this type has become a "lost art", the windows are eriplam, Germany.ceable . The east and west windows were made by the Meyers brothers in Mannheim, Germany. The Rose window in the Narthex is a Tiffany product, and the remaining windows were made by American artisans.

Founded in1866 and later endowed by Catherine A. Taylor, widow of Moses Taylor, the Elberon memorial Church is a memorial to her civic-minded husband who died May 25, 1882.

The Pastors
The founders of the Elberon Church determined to provide services of worship that would be enriched by great music presented by artists and sermons by competent preachers. From the beginning, musicians and preachers from Philadelphia, New York, and other metropolitan church centers have conducted the services. The distinguished ministers who have served were, in order:
Charles F. Young
Donald S. Mackaye
Hugh Black
David J. Burrell
John D. Carsen
Cleland B. McAfee
S. Parkes Cadman
G. Johnstone Rose
Charles E. Wishart
J. M. Vander Meulen
Norman Vincent Peale
Dr. Harold A. Bosley
Dr. David L. Crawford
Dr. J. Randall Nichols
John R. Kleinheksel
Foster “Skip” Wilson
Presently Serving: David McKirachan, Randall Nichols, Hugh Mackenzie
Norman Vincent Peale
Norman Vincent Peale
The Music
Since its founding in 1886, this Church has been famous for the high order of its musical program. Some of the most distinguished organists and singers from New York City churches and leading singers from other cities have shared in the services. Occasional festival services feature larger choral works.
Central to the music program has been the outstanding organ built for the Church by Hilbome Roosevelt and maintained through the years without any tonal or mechanical changes. It is a splendid example of late 19th-century American organ building. It contains 16 stops controlling 988 pipes.
The Organists/Choir Directors who have served the Church
have included the following:
Peter A. Schnecker
Robert Gaylor
Robert Payson Hill
Lyndon Woodside
Thomas MacBeth
Timothy E. Smith
David Bishop
David Weadon
Eugene Roan
Presently Serving: Timothy Broege